His activity was in so far a misfortune as it led him to attempt too many things at once, and engage in undertakings so costly that oppression became necessary to provide the funds for them. The volatile and brilliant archbishop Lomnie de Brienne was charged with the task of laying the affairs of the ancien régime before the assembly of notables, and with asking the nation for resources, since the monarchy could no longer provide for itself; but the notables refused, and Blenne. Its large revenues, derived to a great extent from house property in Leipzig and estates in Saxony, enable it, in conjunction with a handsome state subvention, to provide rich endowments for the professorial chairs. Proposals to connect the two banks by a tunnel under the Scheldt have been made from time to time in a fitful manner, but nothing whatever had been done by 1908 to realize what appears to be a natural and easy project. The focus of these dishes is on fresh ingredients that provide a lot of flavor without a lot of calories such as fresh vegetables and herbs. Where it is desired to cultivate a large number of plants, it is much better to increase the number of such houses than to provide larger structures. 用at the soonest造句, 用at the soonest造句, 用at the soonest造句, at the soonest meaning, definition, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences … In 1753 a bill was introduced by a private member of the House of Commons, backed by official support, to provide for the annual enumeration of the people and of the persons in receipt of parochial relief. Admitting the identification, we may perhaps conclude that the temple was repaired in order to provide a temporary home for the venerated image and other sacred objects; no traces of a restoration exist, but the walls probably remained standing after the Persian conflagration. Antonym: consume . On the 14th of December 1857, Morrill introduced in the house a bill "donating public lands to the several states and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts.". At this juncture the States-General, as in 1618, appointed a commission headed by the prince of Orange to visit the towns of Holland, and provide for the maintenance of order and the upholding of the Union. 4 The madrasa is here a college, generally attached to a mosque, with lands whose revenues provide the means of instruction and in part also food and residence for scholars and teachers. Definition of mean_1 verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. At the very least, be able to provide simple chordal accompaniments during lessons. Some cities also provide in their charters that an official, including the mayor or a member of the council, may be displaced from office if, at a special election held on the demand of a prescribed number of the city voters, he does not receive the largest number of votes cast. The Council can also provide advice about a funding opportunity. k clamps the telescope in declination, n clamps it in right ascension, and the handles m and I provide slow motion in declination and right ascension respectively. Thus there are a few 3 Ferns which climb, others are .8 water plants, while many, especially those which live as epiphytes, are more or less xerophytic. provide a solution. The Fathers of the 4th century, and notably the Cappadocian Fathers, provide us with a quantity of evidence on this subject, which leaves no doubt as to the practice of the invocation of saints, nor of the complete approval with which it was viewed. Of course, she was going to be a pet, but a pet that size would also provide protection to a degree. On account of glacial disturbance of the drainage, Wisconsin's many streams provide water-powers of great value that have contributed much to the industrial prosperty of the state. Provided means if something happens. means to directly or indirectly, own, manage, control, or participate in the ownership, management or control of, or be employed or engaged by, participate in, serve on the board of directors of, consult with, contribute to, hold a security interest in, render services for, give advice to, provide assistance to or be otherwise affiliated or associated with. It was unfortunate that Ully would be killed as soon as the three shapeshifting demons reached the underworld, but Darkyn didn't believe in loose ends. Not only is their beer and wine selection extensive, but they also provide take out service and a children's menu. They also provide an environment conducive to the use of natural pest control. "This will not provide much comfort, but Darkyn was your only real chance of living," he added. The government offered a bonus to those owners of creameries who would provide cold-storage accommodation at them and keep the room in use for a period of three years. The harbour is fortified, and there is a small lighthouse on the eastern mole; important engineering works, subsidized by the state, were undertaken in 1902 to provide better accomodation. I miss Frenchie and Joy-Jill and our morning coffee but they've been sent up to Red Mountain Town as the mines there are working through the winter and the men are in need of the leisure the girls are able to provide. Schaw's Hospital Trust, at one time intended for the education and maintenance of the children of poor parents, has been modified, and the bequest is used to provide free education and bursaries, while the building has been leased by the trustees of Miss Mary Murray, who bequeathed £20,000 (afterwards increased to 30,000) for the training of poor children as domestic servants. Those among them who cannot, for various reasons, adopt the cellar-wintering plan are obliged to provide what are termed " chaff-covers " for protecting their bees in winter. As, however, they had taken no effectual measures to provide a mobile force they were disappointed. In 52 B.C. Drastic measures were necessary to limit expenditure and to provide new sources of revenue. Brutus,who had business interests in his province), and refused to provide his friends with wild beasts for their games in Rome. If now, in addition to his own expenses, the soldier must provide a horse and its keeping, the system was likely to break down altogether. It was an attempt to provide a more accurate rendering of the Greek Bible than had hitherto existed in Syriac, and obtained recognition among the Monophysites until superseded by the still more literal renderings of the Old Testament by Paul of Tella and of the New Testament by Thomas of Harkel (both in 616-617), of which the latter at least was based on the work of Philoxenus. For the speedy removal of burning houses each ward was to provide a strong iron hook, with a wooden handle, two chains and two strong cords, which were to be left in the charge of the bedel of the ward, who was also provided with a good horn, " loudly sounding.". Unamfin was robbed on the voyage, the prince of Byblus rebuffed him, and when at last the latter agreed to provide the timber it was only in exchange for substantial gifts hastily sent for from Egypt (including rolls of papyrus) and the promise of more to follow. She sank into it, unaware a bed was able to provide that level of comfort. propose a means. As for the dynastic opposition, it was reduced to a rump of 66 members, a result so unsatisfactory from the point of view of the monarchy that the government offered to quash certain Conservative returns in order to provide it with more seats. Provide in a sentence. Locked herself in her room for days working on layette sets for the grand children Russie would never provide. Example sentences with the word provide. The larvae known as caddis-worms are aquatic. Ultimately, workhouses would provide shelter to more than one hundred thousand paupers. But avoid … Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Founded in 1770 to provide accommodation for the visitors to the mineral wells of Pannanich, 12 m. On the other method the editor will provide all necessary information about the evidence for the text in the notes of his critical apparatus; but in the text itself he will give whatever in each case is supported by the balance of the probabilities. They provide customized sushi outside of already existing menu items. incorporated the gild of the Brethren and Sisters of Maydenhith to provide certain necessaries for the celebration of Mass and to keep the bridge in order: the gild, dissolved at the Reformation, was revived by Elizabeth, who, however, later (1581) substituted for it a corporation consisting of a warden, bridgemaster, burgesses and commonalty: the governing charter until the 19th century was that of James I. sentencing: an overview. A secondary object of the cleruchies was social or agrarian, to provide a source of livelihood to the poorer Athenians. When you use e.g. These regulations provide carefully and well for all contingencies, but unfortunately they were only very partially carried out. It is now generally recognized that the description of the tabernacle altar is intended to provide a precedent for this vast structure, which would otherwise be inconsistent with the traditional view of the simple Hebrew altars. While helmets provide little protection in a serious fall, they're a must to shield you from junk dropped or dislodged from above you. The Parkman Society Papers (Milwaukee, 1895-1899) provide a collection of good articles on special topics of Wisconsin history, and the Original Narratives and Reprints published by the Wisconsin History Commission (created by an act of 1905) deal with Wisconsin in the Civil War. The demand for the nationalization of the great landed estates was thus not only supported as a social and economic necessity in order to provide the landless population, notably the legionaries, with land, but was, deep in the minds of the people, regarded as a legal rectification of the wrongs suffered through the confiscations which followed the defeat of the White Mountain. In foreign affairs he preserved the policy of St Ladislaus by endeavouring to provide Hungary with her greatest need, a suitable seaboard. Cordons of apples and pears have to be similarly treated, but cordons of peaches and nectarines are pruned so as to provide the necessary annual succession of young bearing wood. Five large seating areas in the main dining room provide ample spots for large groups. Sentences Menu. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Computer-printed, indexed abstracting journals provide a means of keeping users informed of primary information sources. Previous to the act of 1903 the County Council had educational powers under the Technical Technical Instructions Acts which enabled it to provide Technical technical education through a special board, merged by the act of 1903 in the education committee. In order to provide a supply of competent officers, each eques was required to fill certain subordinate posts, called militiae equestres. provide example sentences. In addition to the brakes on the lifting gear of cranes it is found necessary, especially in quickrunning electric cranes, to provide a brake on the subsidiary motions, and also devices to stop the motor at the end of the lift or travel, so as to prevent over-running. Under this system, which was intended to provide Netherlands India with a fixed population of European descent, Dutch girls were sent to the archipelago to be married to white settlers, and subsequently marriages between Dutchmen and captive native women were encouraged. Some of the mountains are almost entirely composed of naked calcareous rock, but most of them wereformerly covered to their summits with forests of oaks, chestnuts, or pine trees, now destroyed to provide fuel. Formerly import duties were payable in currency, but in 1899 it was decided to collect 10% of them in gold to provide the government with specie for its foreign remittances. While Darkyn didn't know the full details of how Andre had gotten Death to release the once-dead human, he did know Andre and Death wouldn't have done something so important if Ully wasn't the brilliant scientist he was. There are fertile valleys in the vicinity which provide the city's markets with fruit and vegetables, while the vineyards of Camargo (formerly known as Cinti), in the southern part of the department, supply wine and spirits of excellent quality. The ballast consists of such materials as broken stone, furnace slag, gravel, cinders or earth, the lower layers commonly consisting of coarser materials than the top ones, and its purpose is to provide a firm, well-drained foundation in which the sleepers or crossties may be embedded and held in place, and by which the weight of the track and the trains may be distributed over the road-bed. I don't understand what that means, Father. Diesels have twice the compression of gas engines, which means it's harder for the average person to shift gears in a manual transmission. Meadows and marshes provide a lush contrast to the deep blue lakes that snake through mountain valleys. develop a means. In these cases, conditional clauses can begin with phrases such as as long as, so long … The numerous affluents of these rivers, such as the Lys, Dyle, Dender, Ourthe, Ambleve, Vesdre, Lesse and Semois, provide a system of waterways almost unique in Europe. Any subdistrict, town or city of the fifth or sixth class may provide for a graded school by voting for an ad valorem and poll tax which is limited as to amount. The goal behind tapas is to provide a small amount of food to eat while consuming alcohol, so tapas restaurants usually have a full bar or at least a wine list. Large windows let in views of the dock, while low-hung lights provide mood lighting when the sun goes down. The information should explain the first part of the sentence in more detail so the reader understands it better. Check whether or not parents are able to provide a bilingual dictionary for the student. The pan proper is surmounted by a great cone or hopper called a curb, to provide for the foaming up of the boiling mass and to prevent loss from overflowing. Which sentence is the best example of a topic sentence? These provide means for classifying the rich finds from the cemetery which was excavated on the other bank of the river. To protect the court and the national arsenal at Springfield, for which the Federal government was powerless to provide a guard, MajorGeneral William Shepard (1737-1817) ordered out the militia, called for volunteers, and supplied them with arms from the arsenal, and the court sat for three days. Which sentence in the last paragraph provides a clue to the meaning of the word slaughtered? Alex was doing everything in his power to provide her with all the experiences of a natural mother. At the same time the consumption of seugar was greatly restricted owing to the heavy excise duties imposed mainly to provide for the payment of the bounties. They constituted themselves a preliminary parliament (Vorparlament), and at once began to provide for the election of a national assembly. Fred's lady friends will provide all the support I need. 1. transitive verb. Although he had some trouble with the peasantry, the lands and treasures of the church enabled him to propitiate the nobles and for a time to provide for the expenses of the court. Sometimes we need to impose specific conditions or set limits on a situation. Transfer chrysanthemums to sheltered positions out of doors, and provide means of protecting them from frost and cutting winds. : After the use of ice caps for some days it is well to provide cool bathing for the head, at least three times daily. The preservation act's review process does provide a means of resolving disputes without going to court. It doesn't take much ice to give you a bomber, a firm hold, provide you set your angle right. I can then provide copies of the audited accounts for anyone who asks for them. The remainder of the Progressives, the Fortsc/zrittspartei, maintained their protest against the military and monarchical elements in the state; they voted against the constitution in 1867 on the ground that it did not provide sufficient guarantees for popular liberty, and in 1871 against the treaty with Bavaria because it left too much independence to that state. The Sudan judicial codes, based in part on those of India and in part on the principles of English law and of Egyptian commercial law, provide for the recognition of " customary law " so far as applicable and " not repugnant to good conscience.". Warminster appears in Domesday, and was a royal manor whose tenant was bound to provide, when required, a night's lodging for the king and his retinue. Genuine disputes involve disagr… If the fruit is a dehiscent one and the seed is therefore soon exposed, the seed-coat has to provide for the protection of the embryo and may also have to secure dissemination. The inhabitants of the district they administered had to provide for their subsistence, and at times they led the host to battle. Under it the cost of the necessary land was to be found as to one-third by the state and as to the residue locally, but this arrangement proved unworkable and was abandoned in 1845, when it was settled that the state should provide the land and construct the earthworks and stations, the various companies which obtained concessions being left to make the permanent way, provide rolling stock and work the lines for certain periods. How to use provide in a sentence. It's not uncommon to hear patrons provide stories of the owner feeding them on visits. And experiments in morality (apart from the inconvenient practical consequences likely to ensue) are useless for purposes of ethics, because the moral consciousness would itself at one and the same time be required to make the experiment and to provide the subject upon which the experiment is performed. The mature females lay their eggs in the water, and the newly-hatched larvae provide themselves with cases made of various particles such as grains of sand, pieces of wood or leaves stuck together with silk secreted from the salivary glands of the insect. Marutha, who was Nestorian catholicus of Seleucia from about 540 to 552 1 and a man of exceptional energy, made the only known attempt, which was, however, unsuccessful, to provide the Nestorians with a Bible version of their own. 17 examples: In other words, by intensifying eye care, the effectiveness of photocoagulation… Maybe Scranton would provide the brick wall he was looking for and end this silly speculation. G The remains of more than 60 ships, at least 700 ancient anchors, gold coins, and bronze, lead, and stone weights indicate that the city was a major trading port in the eastern Mediterranean. The rules of court also of many of the states of the United States provide for reference through the intervention of the court at any stage in the progress of a litigation. 1 : to cause (something) to be available or to happen in the future The contract provides for 10 paid holidays. Every transition can be found between perfectly normal ophitic dolerites and typical hornblende-schists, and occasionally the same dike or sill will provide specimens of all the connecting stages. The Postmaster-General on the other hand agreed to provide underground wires for the company on a rental, and agreed to buy in 1911 the company's plant in London at the cost of construction less allowance for repairs and depreciation. 2 : to supply what is needed for (something or someone) It's hard to make enough money to provide for such a large family. Provide is defined as to supply or make available. ELECTRIC. In the west and south-west of the country especially, opportunities of migration and of expansion had been gradually reduced, and to provide for their increasing numbers they were compelled to divide their holdings again and again until these patches of land became too small for the support of a household. The climatic conditions are not so favourable as in Argentina, but these are counterbalanced to some extent by the great river system of the Orinoco, whose large navigable tributaries cross the plains from end to end, and whose smaller streams from the surrounding highlands provide superior opportunities for water storage and irrigation. At Bridlington Quay there is excellent sea-bathing, and the parade and ornamental gardens provide pleasant promenades. Methodism grew rapidly, and it became essential to provide its people with the sacraments. b : to make something available to provide the children with free balloons. She deserves more—much more, and I truly believe we could provide it. The latter will provide the required copyright acknowledgments to be stated alongside reproduced materials. At the general election in November 1908 the people of Illinois authorized the issue of bonds to the amount of $20,000,000 to provide for the canalizing of the Desplaines and Illinois rivers as far as the city of Utica, on the latter river, and connecting with the channel of the Chicago Sanitary District at Joliet. Unity within a paragraph means that the sentences following a topic sentence must provide … Humor will break up the solemnity of an occasion, or provide a welcome moment of light relief. In order to serve Indian interests he played off British, Spanish and American interests against one another, but before he died he saw that he was fighting in a losing cause, and, changing his policy, endeavoured to provide for the training of the Muscogees in the white man's civilization. As Mums had pointed out – he could provide it. The latter system gave the simplest and most obvious answer to the inquiry after ultimate good for man; but besides being liable, when developed consistently, to offend the common moral consciousness, it conspicuously failed to provide the " completeness " and " security " which, as Aristotle says, " one divines to belong to man's true 'Good. The administration of the navy, called upon as it was to deal with a war of unprecedented magnitude, was overtaxed by the obligation to refit ships, raise crews, and provide for the numerous sick or wounded. This nomination was accompanied with an intimation that more was in store for him, and that steps would be taken to provide for him the income, viz., 3000 ducats, which was necessary to qualify for the cardinal's hat. Meaning: [prə'vaɪd] v. 1. provide or furnish with 2. provide what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance 3. determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation … When I feel like I can't trust my brain 100%, Ludwig really comes in handy. provide a capability. Sure, and I was nothing but a temporary diversion - a local hick to provide you with entertainment. The government offered subventions to those who would provide cold-storage warehouses at various points where these were necessary, and also arranged with the owners of ocean steamships to provide cold-storage chambers on them by means of mechanical refrigerators. Its objects were to relieve agricultural land from half the local rates, and to provide the means of making good out of imperial funds the deficiency in local taxation caused thereby. But there is a limit to love-making, and George Sand, always practical, set to work to provide the means of living. To provide teachers six normal schools have been established, two of which (one for males and one for females) are in Lima. But, as the sophists of the first period chose for their instruments grammar, style, literature and oratory, while those of the second and third developments were professed rhetoricians, sophistry exercised an important influence upon literature. But the fact that every arm was needed for the raids on the frontier, and to provide settlers who should also be garrison for the regained lands, worked for freedom. Cardboard fillers are used which provide a separate compartment for each egg. Provide details and share your research! While if the deterrent and reformatory theories alone provide a rational end for punishment to aim at then the libertarian hypothesis pushed to its extreme conclusion must make all punishments equally useless. We can distinguish disputes of three sorts: 1. Sir George Grey sought to deal with the difficulty as a whole, and to provide for all classes of criminals, the most heinous deserving severe correction and the minor offenders in the earliest stages of misconduct. In various systems of triangular co-ordinates the equations to circles specially related to the triangle of reference assume comparatively simple forms; consequently they provide elegant algebraical demonstrations of properties concerning a triangle and the circles intimately associated with its geometry. 1 with object Make available for use; supply. The Florentines, however, built in 1574 a large oratory or mission-room for the society contiguous to San Giovanni, in order to save them the fatigue of the daily journey to and from San Girolamo, and to provide a more convenient place of assembly, and the headquarters were transferred thither. This body pursued the subject with more or less diligence, and in 1884 laid down the principle that the automatic coupler should be one acting in a vertical plane - that is, the engaging faces should be free to move up and down within a considerable range, in order to provide for the differences in the height of cars. A copy of this new parish church sentence is the first sentence search engine that helps write! ) a complete thought all school year services and dining facilities for private parties, as Percote did with and... In whatever the task is you wish to accomplish of foster-parents fort was dismantled in 1860 and. Kilogramme, for the British troops quartered in the event that one citizen infringes the. The tension expertise to provide for their subsistence, and the parade and ornamental gardens provide promenades! Will provide the means of living my output more reliable this exhausting.! 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